Mol Ke. Palmitic acid or hexadecanoic acid in IUPAC nomenclature is the most common saturated fatty acid found in animals plants and microorganisms Its chemical formula is CH 3 (CH 2) 14 COOH and its CD (the total number of carbon atoms to the number of carboncarbon doublebonds) is 160 It is a major component of the oil from the fruit of oil palms () making up to 44% of total.
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Mol Biol Cell 2006 172057–2068 [PMC free article] [Google Scholar] 36 Presley JF et al ERtoGolgi transport visualized in living cells Nature 1997 38981–85 [Google Scholar] 37 Heerssen HM Pazyra MF Segal RA Dynein motors transport activated Trks to promote survival of targetdependent neurons Nature Neurosci 2004 7596–604 [Google Scholar] 38 Young A.
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The Journal of Molecular Modeling focuses on “hardcore” modeling publishing highquality research and reports Founded in 1995 as a purely electronic journal it has adapted its format to include a fullcolor print edition and adjusted its aims and scope fit the fastchanging field of molecular modeling with a particular focus on threedimensional modeling.
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Hum Mol Genet 2018 Oct 1527(20)36413649 doi 101093/hmg/ddy271 Authors Loic Yengo 1 Julia Sidorenko 1 2 Kathryn E Kemper 1 Zhili Zheng 1 Andrew R Wood 3 Michael N Weedon 3 Timothy M Frayling 3 Joel.