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Data Versus DatabaseData LicensingData Ownership at CornellRelated InformationIn any data project there are likely to be two components The first is the data collected assembled or generated Think of it as the raw content in the system It could be hourly temperature readings from a sensor the age of individuals in a survey recordings of individual voices or photographs of plant specimens The second component is the data system in which.
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Therefore the Internet Protocol (IP) address is defined as a unique numeric string identifier separated by the periods and is allocated to each device on the internet The device can be a computer mobile tablet or any other machine that is part of the TCP/IPbased network The IP addresses are assigned to devices not to humans.
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Data and Intellectual Property
Data and Intellectual Property Data and Intellectual Property The world around us is changing rapidly In the digital age we are all connected anytime and anywhere At the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and fueling the change is data It.